IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of Friday, February 26, 2021, MOST Online will no longer accept requests for MOST Public Use Limited Datasets and/or Images, due to the end of funding and closeout of MOST.
In order for a request for MOST Public Use Limited Datasets and/or Images to be fulfilled, MOST Online ([email protected]) must receive the following by February 26, 2021:
- A partially executed Data Use Agreement (DUA) that has been accepted and signed by an institutional official and the principal investigator at the Recipient Organization. It is strongly recommended that the process of executing the DUA begin well before the February 26th deadline.
- A completed “Request for MOST Research Datasets and/or Image Set” form.
This deadline also applies to those who have previously received MOST Public Use Limited Datasets and/or Images and wish to request updated datasets/images. For these individuals, an email reply to the MOST Online Memo you received recently, signed by the Recipient Organization Principal Investigator, confirming that the previously received datasets and/or images have been destroyed/deleted must be received by MOST Online before requests for updated datasets/images can be considered.
In mid-2021, MOST public use data sets will be available through the NIA AgingResearchBiobank, a web-based platform for sharing biospecimens and data with investigators in the research community. If you are interested in requesting MOST public use data and/or biospecimens, please visit the NIA AgingResearchBiobank website in mid-2021 for more information. When available, a notice will be posted on the MOST Online website indicating when the NIA AgingResearchBiobank will have information about the MOST data.